tidytube icon

how does it work?

When you are on a Youtube page the extension listens for DOM updates on the page using a mutation observer. When there is a DOM update the extension will search for and remove unwanted elements from the page.

The extension keeps track of the sections removed on each page and displays them in the extension popup. Very little data is stored when using this extension, find out exactly what data is stored here.

Gif showing extension popup

other services

Check the status of all the services at status.tidytube.app

API available at api.tidytube.app but only some routes are public. API docs available here.

works best with:


Project start date: Jan 27 2024 (yes its a long time ago but I had exams in the middle of developing this)

Project release date: August 13 2024

contact details

You contact me by email at [email protected]

My discord: @kakajuro

Follow on twitter: @tidytubeext

see credits here